Saldobrase keep on innovating its processes through the development of efficient and sustainable systems to operate always at the maximum level on the market. Managing its own environmental responsibilities in a systematic way: this is the goal that Saldobrase achieved by obtaining the ISO 14001: 2015 certification in December 2020.
What is ISO 140001?
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard for environmental management systems that can be applied to organizations of different sectors and sizes.
This certification sets a benchmark for those companies wishing to equip themselves with an “Environmental Management System” with the aim of minimizing the impact on the territory with projects aimed to improving the company-environment relationship.
Responsible innovation
We always place quality at the center of our work and it is important to take care of all aspects, be they product, process or commercial, that involve our company. For this reason the respect for the environment is an integral part of the quality process for Saldobrase.
Investing in our future with a view fo continuous improvement is the added value that a company presents to its customers to grow in a highly competitive market, where the expectations of those who aim for excellence are extremely high.
For this reason, Saldobrase keep on investing to get new, increasingly high-performance machinery, developing processes in line with the company’s environmental objectives.
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